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Ad Cost - How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on the TrainWeb Ad Network?
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How Much Does It Cost To Advertise?

Advertising on the TrainWeb Ad Network may be the
most effective application of your marketing budget.

A minimum ad purchase of $100 will reach almost 20,000 unique train enthusiast visitors to the websites in the TrainWeb Ad Network! This is just 1/2 cent to reach each train enthusiast.

Our network is visited by more than 400,000 individual train enthusiasts every month. That is triple the number of subscribers to the most popular print railroad publication. If you wish your ad to appear just once to each visitor, an ad purchase of $2000 would be required to reach all 400,000 of our individual website visitors.

For a limited time, we will ensure that your ad reaches ALL of our 400,000 train enthusiast monthly website visitors for just $1000! To take advantage of this limited special offer, please call us at 877-292-1786.

The CPM rate for advertising on the TrainWeb Ad Network is only $5. You pay only $5 for your ad to appear 1,000 times to train enthusiasts viewing web pages throughout the TrainWeb Ad Network. That is a very effective and economical rate to reach your target audience.

CPM is the Cost Per Thousand(M) Ad Impressions.
A $  1 CPM is a typical rate to pay for ads which are not targeted.
A $ 10 CPM is a typical rate to pay for ads which are somewhat targeted.
A $100 CPM is a typical rate to pay for ads which are highly targeted.

Advertising on the TrainWeb Ad Network is highly targeted to train enthusiasts, model railroaders, rail travelers, rail tourists, railroadiana collectors, steam enthusiasts and other railfans. Yet, the rate to place an ad on the TrainWeb Ad Network is far below the typical $100 CPM rate for such highly targeted ads.

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  visits to TrainWeb since Aug. 01, 1998. Last updated: 02/13/2010  Web Author: Steve Grande

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